- April-June, 2022: Followup workshop series on Conducting educational design research for PhDs at the Competence Center for School Inclusion at the University of Bolzano in Italy
- April, 2022: Honored to have been named Best Teacher of the Year in our Master's Program on Educational Science and Technology
- February 28, 2022: Seminar on Conducting educational design research for the Didactical Design in Classroom Research network hosted by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
- January 20, 2022: Keynote on PhDs conducting educational design research for the DFG-funded DBR network meeting organized by the Universities of Paderborn and Hamburg
- November-December, 2021: Workshop series on Introducing educational design research at the Competence Center for School Inclusion at the University of Bolzano in Italy
- September-December, 2021: PhD course on Conducting educational design research at the Inter-university Center for Educational Sciences (ICO) graduate school and research network.
- September 16, 2021: Keynote on Vocational teacher professional development and educational design research at the German annual conference of Vocational Education Science in Bamberg
- September 7, 2021: Paper presentation on Curriculum Design at Scale: How designers actually work with Jan van den Akker, Ryan Wakamiya, Andreas Beer, Yvonne Zijlstra and Edlyn Chao at the annual ECER conference September 6-10, Geneva (online)
- June 11, 2021: Keynote on Educational design research for oracy development: Why, what and how? at Munster conference on Fostering and Assessing Oracy in Foreign Language Education
- June 8, 2021: interactive seminar on Educational Design Research for the Facilitating professional development for lecturers partners of the SURF acceleration plan
- May 28, 2021: Introduction to Educational Design Research guest lecture for the COSIMA research unit at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
- May 19, June 2, June 9, 2021: Three part seminar series on Launching a Design Research Agenda for the Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society and Culture at the University of Helsinki.
- April 26, 2021: Interactive seminar on Design-Based Research with Tom Reeves at the University of Georgia course taught by Ikseon Choi
- April 14, 2021: Workshop on The Practicalities of Conducting Educational Design Research for the Digital Learning Arenas research group at Oslo Metropolitan University
- April 7, 2021: Interactive seminar entitled, Educational design research: The question then arises for the Educational Technologies Program at the University of Haifa
- March 19, 2021: Invited lecture for InHolland Masterclass on Teacher Learning through Participation in Design Teams
- January 8, 2021: Workshop on educational design research at PULSE 2021
- November 6, 2020: Special session on the role of theory in reserach and practice at the annual AECT convention
- November 5, 2020: Presidential panel session on transitioning from COVID-19 to adaptive education at the annual AECT convention
- November 3, 2020: Keynote with Tom Reeves on how design research can address wicked problems in education at the AACE Innovate Learning Summit
- November 2, 2020: Keynote on Infrastructuring culturally-situated design research in education at the annual AECT convention
- April, 2020: Special issue in Educational Technology Research & Development on The Role of Theory in Learning Design and Technology Research and Practice released
- March 27, 2020: Invited lecture for InHolland Masterclass on Teacher Learning through Participation in Design Teams
- February 4, 2020: Invited doctoral seminar for Brigham Young University on conducting educational design research
- September 16-19, 2019: Keynote at the annual meeting of the International Society for Design and Development in Education
- September 9-10, 2019: Workshop on educational design research hosted by Kumamoto University
- September 7-8, 2019: Keynote at the annual Japan Society for Educational Technology conference in Nagoya
- May 22-24, 2019: Invited seminar on educational design reseach at the University of Helsinki
- May 17, 2019: Discussions with teacher educators at the annual ECENT/ELWIeR conference in Utrecht
- May 13-20, 2019: Facilitating the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase on exciting innovations in STEM education
- May 7, 2019: Invited seminar on publishing educational design research at the University of Bremen
- April 2, 2019: Invited workshop for The International Baccalaureate (IB) on Curriculum Design
- March-April, 2019: ICO Doctoral course on conducting educational design research with Saskia Brand-Gruwel
- March 18, 2019: Invited session on educational design research for T-REX, the (Irish) Teachers' Research Exchange
- March 15, 2019: Invited lecture for InHolland Masterclass on Teacher Learning through Participation in Design Teams
- December 13, 2018: Half-day workshop with Tom Reeves on conducting educational design research in the context of teacher education
- December 12, 2018: Full-day workshop for the Center for Engineering Education with Tom Reeves on conducting educational design research
- September 24-26, 2018: Invited presentation on university-school partnerhips at the NSF-NRO joing workshop on Diversifying and Deepening Engagement and Learning in STEM
- June 29, 2018: Keynote on Developing Educational Design Researcher Capacity at EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference in Amsterdam
- June 28, 2018: Presentation on BMS Learning Research at theFaculty of Behavioral, Management & Social Sciences research conference
- June 24-27, 2018: Measuring the Scale Outcomes of Curriculum Materials paper presentation at ICLS
- June 8, 2018: Invited lectures for InHolland on Masterclass on Teacher Learning through Participation in Design Teams
- May 28-31, 2018: ISDDE conference in Galway, Ireland
- May 15, 2018: Invited workshop for The International Baccalaureate (IB) on Designing Teacher Support Materials
- April 7, 2018: Keynote at the annual meeting of academically educated primary school teachers (BAB) on Reseach-Practie Interactions, Utrecht
- March 16, 2018: Guest lecture at the University of Ghent on Educational Design and Construction
- March 21-23, 2018: ICO spring school workshop on Designing Curriculum Resources for Impact
- February 12, 2018: Invited lecture for Expertis on Thematic Teaching, Amersfoort
- January 25, 2018: DUDOC workshop in Nijmegen with Martin Goedhart on Academic Writing
- November 14, 2017: Invited talk on the infrastructure for teacher talent development at the University of Twente's Pro-U teacher network meeting.
- October 19, 2017: Invited talk on the interplay between research and education at the University of Twente's annual Education Day
- October 11-13, 2017: Keynote address for the “Developing competencies in learners" Scientific Research Community, Leuven Belgium
- October 9, 2017: Invited seminar on educational improvement for Het Stedelijk Lyceum, Enschede
- September, 2017: Special issue in the European Journal of Educationon the Participatory Design of (Built) Learning Environments
- June 28-30, 2017: Eight different presentations at the ORD in Antwerp
- June 21, 2017: Keynote address at the KPZ annual conference in Zwolle
- June 5, 2017: Keynote address at SALTISE 2017, Montreal, Canada
- May 31, 2017: Invited address for the Dutch Support Center for Teaching Schools (Steunpunt Opleidingsscholen), VO raad
- May 18, 2017: Inaugural address, Infrastructuring teacher growth, together with Adrie Visscher and ELAN symposium, University of Twente
- April 21, 2017: Invited speaker at ALINA event on activating teaching methods and active learning spaces in higher education, Leuven, Belgium
- March 22-24, 2017: Keynote address on Curriculum materials that support teachers and their learning at DariaTeach, Lausanne, Switzerland
- March 16-17, 2017: Discussant at VELON in Amsterdam
- March 10, 2017: Invited talk at ACIN meeting on Design-based research vs Research-based design in polytech education, Amsterdam
- January 7-10, 2017: Paper presentation on Balancing shared and vertical leadership: evaluating a model that supports team coaches in leading teacher design teams, with Floor Binkhorst, Cindy Poortman & Wouter van Joolingen at ICSEI, in Ottowa Canada
- December 9, 2016: PhD seminar on educational design research at the University of Bremen
- November 2-4, 2016: PhD workshop on design-based (implementation) research at the ICO Fall School
- October 27, 2016: Masterclass on research-practice interactions for the Veluwse onderwijsgroep
- September 19-22, 2016: ISDDE conference in Utrecht, the Netherlands
- June 20-24, 2016: Diverse presentations at ICLS conference in Singapore including:pre-conference workshop on research-practice partnerships with Bill Penuel, Phil Bell, Elizabeth Charles, Thérèse Laferrière, Alain Breuleux, Barry Fishman; paper presentaion on reseach-practice interactions with Jan van Aalst and Cory Forbes; paper presentation on designing science curricula for large scale implementation with Debra Bernstein, Brian Drayton & Chris Schunn; paper presentation with Harini Raval on teacher coaching in Indian schools
- May 25-27, 2016: Various presentations at ORD conference in Rotterdam including: pre-conference workshop for PhD students on academic writing; symposium on participatory design and the build learning environment, ICO theme group symposium on technology in the curriculum, and more.
- March 11, 2016: Guest lecture on educational design, University of Ghent
- January 27, 2016: Keynote presentation at Twents Meesterschap: Passie in het onderwijs
- November 24, 2015: Curriculum design workshop for ECOP/OU
- October, 2015: Special issue in AJET on Educational Design Research in Post-Secondary Learning Environments
- September 22-25, 2015: ISDDE conference in Boulder, Colorado
- August, 2015: EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) Symposium: Design Collaborations: Contexts for Researcher and Teacher Learning
- June 17-19, 2015: ORD (Onderwijs Research Dagen) in Leiden, symposium on Docentontwerpteams: Hoe werken ze (niet) en waarom? [Teacher design teams: How do they (not) work and why?]
- April 16-20, 2015: AERA (American Educational Research Association) in Chicago, poster symposium on Teachers as Designers with Yael Kali, Joke Voogt, Ornit Sagy and others.
- March 2015: Special issue in Instructional Science on Teachers as Designers of Technology-Enhanced Learning
- November 19-20, 2014: Educational design research seminars in Bergen with the IMTE and Western Norway University Networks.
- October 27-30, 2014: Invited session at Elearn: Research-based design & design-based research: Affordances, limitations & synergies
- July 24, 2014: AECT-RTD Webinar on building a line of investigation through Educational Design Research, with Tom Reeves.
- June 23-27, 2014: International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) in Boulder, Colorado.
Pre-conference workshop on Tightening Research-Practice Connections with Kim Gomez and Brian Reiser; Invited symposium on Teachers as Designers with Yael Kali, Joke Voogt, Ornit Sagy and others.
- January 2014: AECT Research and Theory Division Outstanding Book award 2013: Conducting Educational Design Research
- December 1-2, 2013: Invited talk in London at Peducate: Participatory Design of the Future Building School, bringing designers, architects, historians, learning experts, teachers and students together to envision schools of the future.
- November 27-29, 2013: Keynote address and panel discussion at the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) Bienne/Biel, Switzerland.
- November 18, 2013: Keynote address at the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education International Conference in Brussels.
- August 27-31, 2013: Invited panel and symposium at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Conference (EARLI) Munich
- June 12-18, 2013: International online masterclass: How to Conduct Educational Design Research at CELSTEC with Tom Reeves and Harini Raval welcomed students from 5 continents - core presentations available
- June 6-7, 2013: Keynote at the Swiss Centre for Innovations and Learning 5th international conference Lost in Transition: Pathways to successful learning in organizations
- March 28-29, 2013: Seminar at Ghent University: Researcher-practitioner collaboration in educational design research: Values, expectations, roles and outcomes
- January, 2013: Seminar at Hogeschool Zuyd: An introduction to Educational Design Research
- September, 2012: Doctoral seminar at CROSSFIELD, and invited talk at the University of St. Gallen's Institute for Business Education and Educational Management
- June, 2012: Invited seminar at FUNKEN (SPARKS), Dortmund's graduate school on didactical design research
- May, 2012: Keynote at Educational Design Research Conference in Twente
- April, 2012: EDUCAUSE ELI webinar
- February, 2012: Collaboration in India